Katsaros & Associates

Katsaros & Associates Tax Services

Your Financial Concerns, Future Plans, and Tax Needs, Matter To Us

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Dean Katsaros, Tax Accountant


Dean Katsaros, with over 40 years accounting experience, has specialized in the Tax Accounting, Forensic Tax field for over the past 37 years. His experience includes providing a wide range of accounting and income tax services to medium and small businesses. These services include the preparation of annual and interim financial statements, year-end income tax planning and preparation, as well as assisting with the bookkeeping systems of companies. Mr. Katsaros also has worked with the owners of small businesses for their individual income tax needs.

Mr. Katsaros has extensive experience in tax planning and preparation for individuals and businesses. He is responsive, extremely accessible, and takes the time to know his client's individual tax needs and how to approach them. Additionally, he has a specialty with the capital needs of small businesses. He was a bank director for 17 years and worked in the commercial lending area of banking. Lastly, he has also served as an expert witness, in Divorce and Fraud cases.